In his debut film "Shkova," a documentary produced by Calabria's Region, he embraced the challenge of assuming multiple roles to deliver the best possible outcome within a limited budget. Daniel's roles encompassed writing, directing, editing, and overseeing the entire artistic direction of the film. Lean more on La Gazzetta del Sud
The Ultimate Reel of Claudio Pacifico
In his latest significant commission, Daniel was involved in editing "The Ultimate Reel of Claudio Pacifico," a professional Italian stuntman who has been nominated for an Oscar twice.
The main cinematographic experience Daniel had in the film industry was as a visual effects artist for "Operazione Offside," a docufilm about the Calciopoli scandal. The film was broadcasted by LA7 television and won Best Italian Documentary at the Roma Fiction Fest 2010. For a brief glimpse of the project, view their 2015 Demo Reel above, focusing particularly on the segment at 1 minute and 06 seconds.